Using 3D printing and COTS components these drones, code-named “Perdix” can be deployed from the flare dispenser of a jet fighter.
The landscape of commercial drones is changing rapidly. If you wonder what might be around the corner, take a peek into the defense industry.
Perdix, developed by MIT is now writing history through unique field tests with swarms of autonomous micro-drones. In collaboration with the Naval Air Systems Command, a field test at China Lake, California in October 2016 successfully demonstrated one of the world's largest micro-drone swarms.
Three F/A-18 Super Hornets were used to deploy 103 Perdix drones. The micro-drones demonstrated advanced swarm behavior such as collective decision-making, adaptive formation flying, and self-healing!
Imagine more than 100! drones independently performing task after task.
Right after the drone is deployed a parachute reduces the speed of the drone until the wings can spread and the drone can fly by itself. With advanced AI, they improvise, adapt, and overcome various situations. The main objective though is claimed to be surveillance purposes.
Suddenly, parts of the theme from Terminator 1984 becomes a reality. With speeds up to 110km/h, everything will be over in an instant! And as always. In due time similar technology will also be in the hands of antagonists and terrorists.
With a university degree in engineering, a clouded mindset, and a 3D-printer!